Friday, December 4, 2015

Breathing through your nose should go all the way down to your belly. breathing properly can reduce your stress levels, improve workouts and boost immunity. breathing correctly means that our bodies are being supplied with the right amount of oxygen, replenishing our brain and other vital organs with essential nutrients. Improper breathing leads to tiring the muscles while workouts, skin disorders and sleep disorders.

SO,Breathe all the way to your belly. 

Don't forcefully do it. start practicing it will happen on its own after some days.


Water is necessary for carrying nutrients to your cells, flushing bacteria's from your system, preventing dehydration, and replacing fluids lost from sweating. Research show, 4 to 6 standard glasses which almost equal to 2-2.5 liters of water is required to an Indian body.


Having too much water is also hazardous to health.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Let us begin with a positive note. what ever happens in life happens for good. You might have heard about it right?. so why do you think in a negative way. Always try to learn some good things from your failures.

I Would like to tell how to Boost Up Your Energy...

Start your day with yoga, At least give 30 minutes from your 24 hours daily. Make a strict routine for practicing yoga regularly. Start exercising from head to toe. After completion of these exercises Meditate for 15 minutes. concentrate on your breath. Feel the energy flowing in your body removing all the unwanted negative energy.

Always start yoga after 5 to 10 mins warm up. Warm up should cover exercises from head to toe.

☼ head/neck  rotation
☼ shoulder and hand rotation.
☼ body twisting.
☼ side bending
☼ stretching .
☼ spot jumping and spot running.
After warm up begin with surya namaskar
Surya namaskar has 12 steps as shown in my earlier post Begin your day with surya namaskar

After surya namaskar start practicing these yogasanas.

1)   Janusirasana
·         Strengthening and Stretching the shoulders, spine, groins, and hamstrings.
·         Stimulating the liver and kidneys.
·         Improving digestion system.
·         Relieving stress, anxiety, fatigue, headache, menstrual discomfort, the symptoms of menopause.
·         Therapeutic for high blood pressure, insomnia, and sinusitis.

Step1: sit on the ground and bend your left leg towards your thigh as shown in the image. Inhale slowly then strech both your hands upwards.
Step2:  now exhale and slowly bend forward and try to catch your foot as shown in second image.
( don’t try to bend suddenly or don’t try hard, bend how much it is possible)
Step 3: in last step touch your head to the knee and breathe normally. Hold it for a while and come back .
Repeat the same with right leg.

2)   Kamar chakra asana

● Improves flexibility of lower back
● Helps in fat loss from abdomen area and hips.

kamar chakra asana

3) Seated Forward bending (Paschimottasana)
This forward bend gives a complete stretching to the neck, the back, the hamstrings and calves. At the same time, it directs your attention inward. You stimulate the entire nervous system and learn to find stillness and relaxation during a period of effort or even discomfort when doing this stretching exercise.

STEP 1: Sit down with your legs stretched. The legs lie side by side and the toes point upwards. Stretch your lower back and raise your arms. Look forward, lengthen your back, and keep the chest and your breathing free.
STEP 2: Slowly bend forward, stretch your crown upward and try not to lose the supporting dynamism of the lower back. See to it that your legs do not move or tilt.
STEP 3: The moment you notice that you can only bend further by bending the lower back, move your hands to your lower legs, ankles or feet. Lightly pull your legs, ankles or feet and continue stretching.
Keep your shoulders down. Breathe in and out across the entire length of your spinal column deeply and in a relaxed way. Everytime you exhale, you should bend further towards your legs without losing the length in your back and the dynamism in the lower back. When you lose the dynamism in the lower back, you will notice that you lose a major part of the stretching and you will have a hard time breathing.
STEP 4: Stretch out your arms forward.
STEP 5: Slowly raise your upper body. Keep your legs lying side by side and the toes pointing upwards.
STEP 6: Sit straight up again, just like your original position.
Try to relax as you perform this forward bend and do not pull your feet forcibly. When you pull too hard, the body hardens itself, your thinking and breathing become unquiet and you run a risk of injuring yourself.
4) Vakrasana 
Bend the left leg in the knee and place it near the thigh of left leg.
Place the right hand beyond the folded knee of the left leg and in front of the left hand. Keep the palms of both the hands in opposite direction. There should be a distance of one foot between the two hands.
Press the standing left knee with the right hand and shoulders, and twist the neck to the left. Turn the sight also in the same direction and continue normal breathing.

Do this exercise both the side.

Thursday, June 11, 2015





Friday, May 1, 2015

Importance of Meditation

Stress Reduction

Meditation reduces stress better than anything else I know of. Not only does the practice of meditation give you some “down time” to rest physically and mentally, it also has a very direct effect on your entire nervous system by reducing your body’s production of stress related chemicals like cortisol, and increasing the production of mood enhancing chemicals like serotonin.

Improved Health

Meditation will improve your health by strengthening your immune system, reducing your blood pressure and lowering cholesterol levels.
Meditation is often of particular interest to people who are diagnosed with a chronic or potentially life threatening illness. People with serious medical conditions like cancer will sometimes turn to meditation as a means to enhance the process of healing and recovery. While meditation should never be used as a substitute for proper medical care, in some cases it can lead to medical breakthroughs and healing even when traditional medical treatments have been unsuccessful.
Of course, you do not have to be terminally ill to benefit from the healing effects of meditation! Even if you have just come down with a case of the flu, meditation will enhance the function of your immune system and help to you to rest more deeply, leading to a speedier recovery. Meditation also happens to be a wonderful way to alleviate headaches and to prevent them from recurring.

Improved Sleep

Sleep is a totally natural human function, and it’s something we need every day. But if you have a busy mind or if you are stressed then you may find that your sleep is not as restorative as it should be. Meditation dramatically improves the quality of your sleep and it is one of the most powerful natural treatments for insomnia. A great reason to meditate.

Slowed Aging

Studies into the effects of meditation have shown that the regular practice of meditation can slow the aging process. The biological age of long term meditators is generally less than those of people who have never meditated. It is believed that the physiological cause of this is due to the fact that meditation helps to reduce the body’s production of free radicals. Free radicals are organic molecules that are responsible for aging, tissue damage, and possibly some diseases.

Emotional Stability & Positive Thinking

Meditation is a very powerful natural prescription for people who suffer from anxiety and/or depression, and it is also taught to people who have difficulty controlling their anger. However, you do not need to have a serious psychological condition for meditation to be of benefit to you! Every-day people who meditate generally enjoy a lot more...


People who meditate are less stressed, healthier, they sleep better, and they have a more positive outlook on life. Simply put, meditation makes you a happier person! 

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Hair fall has become a major problem these days. If we see the saints who used to live more than 100 years and stay healthy and do not loss hair even being old. the reason behind that is they used to eat healthy, practice yoga regularly.
These days the eating habit has been changed and also the various artificial products used to clean hair are the major cause of hair fall.

how does eating habit cause hair fall?
Improper eating increases heat in the body and cause hair fall.

how to avoid hair fall?

by doing following asanas it can be prevented: drink water daily morning .

1) anlom vilom pranayama.

Viloma Pranayama

VILOMA Pranayama involves paused breathing at regular intervals and can be divided into two stages. The first stage is called 'paused inhalation' and the second stage is called 'paused exhalation'. Let's look at these stages in detail: 

Viloma Paused Inhalation: 
  • Lie down in a comfortable position and try to relax. Breath deeply, but normally
  • Now inhale for 2 to 3 seconds and pause. Hold your breath for two seconds and then restart inhalation. Pause inhalation again after 2 to seconds. Inhale again. Repeat this process untill the lungs feel full of air
  • Exhale now, slowly, till you feel empty of air

Viloma Paused Exhalation: The paused exhalation is the exact opposite of the inhalation process. In this case, you inhale deeply and normally without interuption, but exhale with regular pauses. 

Anuloma Pranayama

Just like Viloma Anuloma is about alternate nostril breathing. In this case, the inhalation and exhalation is done with one nostril blocked and the other partially open. Some variations of the yoga are granular anuloma. 

2) rub finger nails simultaneously for 10 mins daily. do not rub your both the thumb.

3Kapalabhati Pranayama:

To perform the kapalabhati pranayama technique, sit in a comfortable position crossing your legs. Perform two to three deep inhales and exhales.

Now inhale deeply and exhale forcefully drawing all the air out. Your belly should be drawn in, as you exhale.

When you inhale, let it happen passively without you making any effort to inhale as the belly goes back to normal position.

Exhale forcefully again and continue doing this for about 20 to 30 times.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

yoga for beginners 

Always start yoga after 5 to 10 mins warm up. Warm up should cover exercises from head to toe.

☼ head/neck  rotation
☼ shoulder and hand rotation.
☼ body twisting.
☼ side bending
☼ stretching .
☼ spot jumping and spot running.

After warm up begin with surya namaskar
Surya namaskar has 12 steps as shown in my earlier post Begin your day with surya namaskar

After surya namaskar start practicing these yogasanas.

1)   Janusirasana
·         Strengthening and Stretching the shoulders, spine, groins, and hamstrings.
·         Stimulating the liver and kidneys.
·         Improving digestion system.
·         Relieving stress, anxiety, fatigue, headache, menstrual discomfort, the symptoms of menopause.
·         Therapeutic for high blood pressure, insomnia, and sinusitis.

Step1: sit on the ground and bend your left leg towards your thigh as shown in the image. Inhale slowly then strech both your hands upwards.
Step2:  now exhale and slowly bend forward and try to catch your foot as shown in second image.
( don’t try to bend suddenly or don’t try hard, bend how much it is possible)
Step 3: in last step touch your head to the knee and breathe normally. Hold it for a while and come back .
Repeat the same with right leg.

2)   Kamar chakra asana

● Improves flexibility of lower back
● Helps in fat loss from abdomen area and hips.

kamar chakra asana

3) Seated Forward bending (Paschimottasana)
This forward bend gives a complete stretching to the neck, the back, the hamstrings and calves. At the same time, it directs your attention inward. You stimulate the entire nervous system and learn to find stillness and relaxation during a period of effort or even discomfort when doing this stretching exercise.

STEP 1: Sit down with your legs stretched. The legs lie side by side and the toes point upwards. Stretch your lower back and raise your arms. Look forward, lengthen your back, and keep the chest and your breathing free.
STEP 2: Slowly bend forward, stretch your crown upward and try not to lose the supporting dynamism of the lower back. See to it that your legs do not move or tilt.
STEP 3: The moment you notice that you can only bend further by bending the lower back, move your hands to your lower legs, ankles or feet. Lightly pull your legs, ankles or feet and continue stretching.
Keep your shoulders down. Breathe in and out across the entire length of your spinal column deeply and in a relaxed way. Everytime you exhale, you should bend further towards your legs without losing the length in your back and the dynamism in the lower back. When you lose the dynamism in the lower back, you will notice that you lose a major part of the stretching and you will have a hard time breathing.
STEP 4: Stretch out your arms forward.
STEP 5: Slowly raise your upper body. Keep your legs lying side by side and the toes pointing upwards.
STEP 6: Sit straight up again, just like your original position.
Try to relax as you perform this forward bend and do not pull your feet forcibly. When you pull too hard, the body hardens itself, your thinking and breathing become unquiet and you run a risk of injuring yourself.
4) Vakrasana 
Bend the left leg in the knee and place it near the thigh of left leg.
Place the right hand beyond the folded knee of the left leg and in front of the left hand. Keep the palms of both the hands in opposite direction. There should be a distance of one foot between the two hands.
Press the standing left knee with the right hand and shoulders, and twist the neck to the left. Turn the sight also in the same direction and continue normal breathing.

Do this exercise both the side.

Practice above said sitting exercise and surya namaskar.In my next post will tell you remaining exercises.

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